The Cullen Collection
This collection of books starts with a new biography called George MacDonald A Writer’s Life, the longest biography of MacDonald ever written. 600 pages covering fascinating aspects of MacDonald’s life that no one in 150 years had ever thoroughly explored. Included are many facts and details about MacDonald’s books and their publication histories that were generally unknown previously.
Along with A Writer’s Life, the collection also includes 37 newly updated editions of all MacDonald’s fiction — including expanded and lengthier editions of those Michael Phillips edited back in the 1980's. These 37 volumes represent the cornerstone of his work over the past two years.
The matching set is entitled “The Cullen Collection,” in honor of the village in Scotland where MacDonald wrote and set his classic, and Michael's favorite of all his books, Malcolm.
One of the most exciting things about these new editions is that for the first time they will also be available as ebooks from Kindle, something many people have been waiting for a long time.Finally, an additional 10 books of the 48-title project will be added to The Cullen Collection. These ten books are comprised of newly released accompanying non-fiction titles about MacDonald and compendiums of his work. Some of these have been previously published and will be re-released, some are new. These titles, too, will also be released on Kindle for the first time.
George MacDonald
Forerunner of the Inklings – Scottish minister, poet, novelist, and imaginative seer – MacDonald was one of the most beloved Victorian authors throughout of the 19th century. He wrote some 50 volumes of novels, poetry, short stories, fantasy, sermons, and essays. His influential body of work placed him alongside his era’s great men of letters and his following was vast. Two decades after his death, his books were pivotal in leading C.S. Lewis to Christianity.
Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips is widely known as George MacDonald’s redactor, publisher, and biographer, whose vision and editorial expertise – building upon the forerunning work of C.S. Lewis, Elizabeth Yates, and Rolland Hein – helped bring MacDonald back from obscurity in the 1980s when his realistic novels had been nearly forgotten. Author and editor of over 100 books, Phillips’ efforts helped ignite the MacDonald renaissance of recent years. As one of those responsible for the widespread renewal of MacDonald’s influence, Phillips is recognized as among the world’s foremost purveyors of MacDonald’s message, with particular insight into the Scotsman’s heart and spiritual vision.
Note: many of the titles of The Cullen Collection will be released in stages
beginning the final months of 2018."I feel a deep debt of gratitude to the Phillips for their work"
- John K.
"Not only did Michael Phillips' efforts introduce me to MacDonald but I have gained much through Michael’s own books as well..."
- Michael K.
"I was at Michael Phillips' small gathering of GM/C.S.Lewis fans many years ago at his cabin in the mountains. It was a fabulous and very blessed time with wonderful conversation and Scottish music and dancing!"
- Sharon E.
"Michael opened up my eyes to the wealth of Macdonald through his novels and sermons."
- David G.
"MacDonald is my husbands favorite author, and he has read Michael Phillips translations all his life."
- Tina H.
"It would be wonderful to meet with a group of people who appreciate George MacDonald as the Phillips do."
- James H.
"I've always admired Michael and Judy and their work."
- Peg V.
"Michael Phillips has definitely been instrumental in raising awareness about MacDonald, who for a long time really lingered in the margins of literature."
- Jennifer K.
"Michael and Judy have done so much to carry MacDonald's legacy forward. So grateful for that!"
- Janet M.
© 2018-19 Sunrise Publishers and Wise Path Books